GOP Fundraisers
494 items found
Fundraising Guide
Bruce Melchert to Keith Bulen, February 23, 1981
Gregory Newell to Bruce Melchert, February 17, 1981
Gordon Durnill to Ronald Regan, October 7, 1981
Gordon Durnill to Keith Bulen, October 19, 1981
Official Republican Contribution Form
Gordon Durnil to Keith Bulen, March 3, 1982
Keith Bulen to Gordon Durnil, March 5, 1982
Richard Stanfield to Gordon Durnil, July 22, 1982
Wesley Bucher to John Knote, August 17, 1982
L. Keith Bulen to Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCann, October 11, 1990
L. Keith Bulen to Jon DeHaan, October 11, 1990
L. Keith Bulen to Wayne Place, October 11, 1990
L. Keith Bulen to Mr. & Mrs. Judd Leighton, October 11, 1990
Visit of President and Mrs. Quayle, November 8, 1989
Second Annual Governor's Holiday Ball, December 9, 1990
John Mutz for Governor of Indiana, Campaign Newsletter No. 1, Mutz Prepares Candidacy
Bulen to Dr. and Mrs. Ned Lamkin, September 13, 1989
Victory '72 Dinner Committee: No. 7708
The Status of Fund-Raising - States' Percentage of Quota Achieved, October 30, 1972