Borst, Dr. Lawrence M.
378 items found
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar, July 1, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Dr. Lawrence M. Borst, November 18, 1969
R. L. Swingley to Dr. Lawrence M. Borst, January 30, 1969
Benjamin A. Osborne to Dr. Lawrence M. Borst, January 27, 1969
Metropolitan Government Task Force Members List
John W. Walls to Mayor Lugar, Notes
Mayor Lugar to Dr. Lawrence M. Borst, February 23, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Dr. Lawrence M. Borst, February 23, 1971_With Notes
Dr. Eugene Henry (Ned) Lamkin Jr. to Mayor Lugar, March 10, 1971_Filing Note
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar, December 29, 1969
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar, November 14, 1969
L. Keith Bulen to Mayor Lugar, Dr. Lawrence M. Borst and Dr. Eugene Lamkin Jr. , February 5, 1969
Dr. Lawrence M. Borst to John W. Walls
Summary of Executive Committee Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Meeting, February 20, 1970
Lawrence M. Borst to Mayor Lugar, FLood Control Board Appointments
John W. Walls to Dr. Lawrence M. Borst, October 18, 1968
Margie Nackenhorst to L. Keith Bulen, July 26, 1968
Memo from Pat
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Annual Report, 72-73