George Washington High School
132 items found
Invest Indianapolis Background
Barbara Miller to Mayor Hudnut, July 6, 1989
Invest Indianapolis Internship Close-Out Report
The Investigator
The Investigator
Alicia Chadwick to David Young, September 3, 1987
Invest Indianapolis News Conference
Tom Otto to Members of the Leadership Group, August 26, 1987
Press Conference
Karen Willis to Alicia Chadwick, Carol Craig, et. al, July 23, 1987
September 1987 Pre-Pilot Key Dates
Invest Indianapolis Makes Education An Economic Issue
Mayor Hudnut to Nancy Johnson, April 17, 1979
Nancy Johnson to Mayor Hudnut and Cleo Barnett, March 29, 1979
Invest Indianapolis Status Report
Mayor Is Cheerleader For Pilot Project At Washington High School
Mayor Announces School Pilot Project
Angela Lois Echols and Others to Mayor Hudnut, December 2, 1988
INVEST Indianapolis Meeting, November 1988
INVEST Indianapolis Meeting of the Co-Chairpersons, October 1988