George S. Olive and Co. (GSO)
44 items found
Mayor Goldsmith to Larry Ness, August 30, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Larry Ness, August 30, 1993
Meeting w/Olive, March 16, 1993
Human Capital Investment Project
Meeting w/George S. Olive, February 25, 1993
List of Names and Addresses
Marty Irwin to Larry Gigerich, October 13, 1993
Doug to Julie, April 2, 1993
Project Jobs: "Investment Today for Jobs Tomorrow" Meeting Notes, March 30, 1993
Project Jobs: "Investment Today for Jobs Tomorrow" Meeting Notes, March 25, 1993
City of Indianapolis Meeting Notes, March 23, 1993
City of Indianapolis Meeting Notes, March 16, 1993
Meeting with Larry Ness, April 1, 1993
GSO: Helping Out Clients Prosper
Meeting with Olive March 30, 1993
Tim Tichenor to Larry Gigerich, February 18, 1994
Project Jobs Breakfast Meeting Minutes, August 10, 1993
Meeting w/GSO, August 10, 1993
Project Jobs Assistance Application Processing
Project Jobs Breakfast Meeting Minutes, August 10, 1993, with Notes