George S. Olive and Co. (GSO)
44 items found
Existing Industries Task Force Meeting Notes, March 30, 1993
Olive Project, March 18, 1993
Meeting w/George Olive, March 4, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Doug Jones, February 7, 1994
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, Nancy Silvers, Jim Snyder, Bob Ransom, and Marty Irwin, March 3, 1994
Tony A. Buford to Larry Gigerich, February 7, 1994
Tony A. Buford to Larry Gigerich, February 7, 1994, without note
Jana Pehler to Larry Gigerich, February 15, 1993
Project Jobs Communications and Process Flow Chart
Project Jobs Application Preliminary Evaluation Process Chart
Project Jobs GSO Infrastructure Review Processes
Project Jobs Meeting Notes, June 22, 1993
Meeting with Olive, March 25, 1993
Meeting with Olive, March 23, 1993
Douglas O. Jones to Larry Gigerich, April 26, 1993
Project Jobs Meeting Notes, April 22, 1993
Project Jobs Meeting Notes, April 15, 1993
Project Jobs Meeting Notes, April 6, 1993
Project Jobs Meeting Notes, March 30, 1993
Project Jobs Breakfast Meeting Minutes, August 10, 1993, with Notes #2