Government Contracts
686 items found
Kathy Biedenharn to John Rees, September 2, 1992
Don Kelly to Robert Britton, April 19, 1990
Kenneth A. Turner to Whom It May Concern, April 13, 1992
Keith Hamburger to Alan Wilson, February 14, 1991
Richard Heard to Doctor R. Crants, July 14, 1994
News Reports on Irregularities in Sports Arena Contracts
Small Government Prescriptions: The Indianapolis Experience, Part II: Activity-Based Costing
Government for Sale, When Public Services Go Private
The Kiplinger Washington Letter, June 23, 1995
Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. City Contract Possibilities
Mayor Goldsmith to William S. Hall, April 16, 1991
William S. Hall to Mayor Goldsmith, April 12, 1991
City Employers Win Biggest Competition Since AWT, Save Taxpayers $8 million
Complaints, IFS
Fleet Services Employees
Fleet Services Spending
Indianapolis Fleet Services Incentive Checks, April 9, 1996
Transportation/Public Works Magazines
John McCorkhill to Steve James and Dominic Mangine, February 27, 1995
Fred Ramos to John Hatfield, November 17, 1995