94 items found
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, November 29, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, December 7, 1994
The Federalist Society & Mayor Stephen Goldsmith Present Freedom, Government Accountability...
City Awarded $3 Million in Federal Funds
EFAB Committees List
Goldsmith Applauds Funding Increase to Marion County Hospitals
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, August 31, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, October 18, 1994
Naval Air Warfare Center Named as a Reinvention Laboratory
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, May 10, 1993
House Committee Authorizes I-70 Interchange at Six Points Road
Indianapolis Hits HUD Jackpot
Mayor Sworn In as National Vice-Chairman of Commission for a Drug-Free America
Indianapolis and SELTIC to be National Models for Environmental Protection Agency
City Receives $2.5 Million in State/Federal Disaster Funds
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, June 19, 1993
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, June 21, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, November 15, 1993
Indianapolis, Marion County to Offer Nation's Most Sophisticated On-Line Access
HUD Officials Applaud Indianapolis's Removal from the Troubled PHA List