Goldsmith, Stephen, Request for Proclamation by
341 items found
Howard Dyles to Mayor Goldsmith, February 27, 1998
Fran Quigley to Dianna Boyce, February 19, 1998
Sister Arlene Henry to Mayor Goldsmith, February 5, 1998
Gary F. Hentschel to Mayor Goldsmith, October 3, 1997
Thank You For Your Special Recognition
Michael A. Blain to Mayor Goldsmith, September 24, 1997
Kurt L. Schmoke to Fellow Mayor, October 16, 1997
Terry G. Horner to Diana Boyce, January 7, 1998
Jan Vermillion to Mitzi Hurst, April 13, 1998
Gladys K. Allgood to Mayor Goldsmith, October 7, 1997
Dan Kozlowski to Mitzi Hurst, Oct. 10, 1997
Frank Basile to Mayor Goldsmith, August 27, 1997
Werner Fornos to Mayor Goldsmith, September 11, 1997
Mitzi Hurst to Mayor Goldsmith, October 2, 1997
Evelyn Thompson to D. Stahley, October 19, 1998
Carolyn S. Wischmann to Mitzi Hurst, October 15, 1998
Don Humphress to Mitzi
Dave Paschall to Mitzi Hurst, November 18, 1998
Kathleen K. Scott to Mayor Goldsmith, September 22, 1997
Dawn Kjeldsen to Mitzi Hurst, March 25, 1998