526 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Lawrence E. Fouraker, April 23, 1979
Lawrence E. Fouraker to Mayor Hudnut, April 4, 1979
Mayor Hudnut to B.L. Harrison, October 24, 1978
Community Development - Street Department - Downtown - Fire Department - Police Department
Mayor Hudnut Names James Steele As City Controller
Resume of James Steele
Mayor Hudnut to James Steele, December 18, 1990
2nd International Sport Summit in Monte Carlo
How the Public Works: Major Issues in Infrastructure Finance
Marianne E. McCullough to the PEPPER Committee Members, August 31, 1989
IACT, Budget Narrative of the Working Fund, August 18, 1988
Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations Policy Committee, Agenda Packet, March 12, 1989
Tom Bredeweg, to Members, IACT Executive Committee, August 13, 1991
Report of the Finance and Budget Committee - 1992 Budget Proposal
Greater Indianapolis Republican Finance Committee Card
Two Year Comparison on Some Indianapolis Business Indicators
Debbie Strawman to Richard A. Warne, April 21, 1989
From Mayor Hudnut_On the Worldwide Finance and Accounting Conference
Pepper Committee Minutes, August 17, 1989 (Marked)
City of Indianapolis Proposed 1985 Financing