2,169 items found
Board of Directors
City Perspective, October 12, 1973
The Federal Budget and the Cities, February 1971
Quality of Life Indicators
A National Land Use Policy Based on Critical Environmental Concerns
Bulletin, Indianapolis League of Women Voters, May 1974
Dedication of the National Soil Erosion Laboratory, January 15, 1982
To Preserve Our Environment
Resolutions Adopted by National Service Membership in New Orleans, March 9, 1971
Richard G. Lugar to Thomas Bradley, April 2, 1971
Thomas Bradley to Richard G. Lugar, March 18, 1971
Wes Wise to Robert Knecht, December 17, 1970
Wes Wise to Robert Knecht, December 17, 1970 (copy 2)
Preliminary Agenda Meeting of the Board of Directors of the National League of Cities, June 14, 1971
Briefing Materials for Congressional Workers, March 10, 1970
Richard G. Lugar to Pete Wilson, January 20, 1973
Statement of Mayor Miltion Graham, July 30, 1968
City-County Offices Environmental Area Chart
Appendix Report Metropolitan Transportation Task Force of the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee
Eagle Creek Area Plan and Eagle Creek Park Master Plan