962 items found
Proclamation "Ebenezer International Ministries Day"
Proclamation "Family Day"
Monday, March 24, 1994
Revival! Revival! Revival!
State Staff Meeting
Indiana Diocese Calendar 95'
A Revival of Brotherly Love
Indiana Diocese Churches
God Pays Double For Your Trouble
Proclamation "St. Rita Catholic Church Men & Women's Day"
Anita Guynn to Kelly Lester, November 6, 1996
Maxine L. Bryant to Stephen Goldsmith, May 5, 1995
Stephen Goldsmith to Rev. Angelique Walker-Smith, June 8, 1995
Reverend Dr. Harry Huxhold and Reverend Dr. Richard Moman to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, April 17, 1995
Stephen Goldsmith to Pastor Charles Barnes, July 21, 1995
Disciples of Christ "Time & Place" Committee Members
From Stephen Goldsmith, July 21, 1995
Diane Whitsitt to Mitzi Hurst, July 13, 1995
Mrs. Annie Pearl Durnham
To: All News Media