Education, Parochial
243 items found
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 23
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 24
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 25
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 26
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 27
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 28
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 29
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 30
Lugar Visits Holy Trinity School, Img. 31
Brebeuf Student Assembly
For your information/request for coverage
List of Brebeuf High School Student Participating in Parnternship Program 1981 (2)
Photos to: Information Booth
Students from Germany Visiting Brebeuf High School
Front and back of envelope
List of Brebeuf High School Student Participating in Parnternship Program 1981
St. Richard's School, Front
Brebeuf Gov't Class, 10-5-90, Front
Mayor Hudnut with Brebeuf Government Class, March 13, 1990, Front
Brebeuf Senior Government Class, Front