8,948 items found
Charlene Lugar, L. Keith Bulen, Gerald Ford, and Governor Otis Bowen, October 16, 1974
Charlene Lugar, L. Keith Bulen, and Gerald Ford, October 16, 1974, Img. 1
L. Keith Bulen with Senator Robert Dole, Circa 1972
L. Keith Bulen at Microphone, Circa 1972, Img. 2
L. Keith Bulen with Senator Robert Dole and Another Man, Circa 1972
L. Keith Bulen with Three Unidentified Men, Circa 1972, Img. 2
L. Keith Bulen, Senator Robert Dole, and Evansville Mayor Russell G. Lloyd, Sr., Circa 1972
L. Keith Bulen, Robert Dole, and Three Other Men, Circa 1972
Senator Robert Dole and Evansville Mayor Russell G. Lloyd, Sr., Circa 1972
L. Keith Bulen with John Sweezy and Barry Goldwater, Circa 1972
Crowd at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 1973, Img. 2
L. Keith Bulen and Others at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 1973, Img. 1
L. Keith Bulen and Others at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 1973, Img. 2
L. Keith Bulen and Others in Front of Pace Cars En Route at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, May 1973
Bulen Family and Others and Second Nixon Inaugural, January 20, 1973
Gerald Ford and Keith Bulen at Podium, October 16, 1974, Img. 2
Bulen and Unidentified Man at Indiana Gridiron Dinner, April 1967, Img. 1
Indiana Gridiron Dinner, Indiana Roof Ballroom, 1960
E. Richmond Olson Faces Keith Bulen at Philadelphia Conference on Skagit River Levels, October 1984, October 1984
Keith Bulen at Podium During Philadelphia Conference on Skagit River Levels, October 1984