8,948 items found
1973 4-H National Health Award Winners with Mayor Lugar and Representatives from Eli Lilly & Co.
Proof Sheet of Photos, Law Day, 1974
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 2
Richard Lugar Receieving Award from Trans World Airways
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 3
Vice President Spiro Agnew Speaks on Stage
Lugar with Choir, Img. 1
Lugar and Whitcomb with North Central High School Band, Img. 1
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 4
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 6
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 7
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 8
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 9
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 10
Vice President Spiro Agnew Visit, May 28, 1971, Img. 9
Unidentified Construction Site
Print of an Enlarged Photographic Negative of a Demolition Site
Print of an Enlarged Photographic Negative of Firefighters Battling a Fire
Architectural Draftsman Working in Office, Image 1
Victor Borge Visit, May 1972, Img. 2