8,948 items found
Mayor Hudnut and Group in Living Room, Img. 1
Photo of Mayor Hudnut Giving a Lincoln Day Speech
Photograph of Mayor Hudnut Next to the Indiana State Seal and US Flag
Picture of Kids in Costumes
Building Houses
House Picture
Colts Stadium Picture
Mayor Hudnut at Trash Compactor Dedication, August 6, 1987, Img. 47
Mayor Hudnut at Trash Compactor Dedication, August 6, 1987, Img. 48
Mayor Hudnut at Recycling Commission, February 25, 1986, Img. 1, with Philip Borst, Beulah Coughenour, and Beverly Guidara
Congressman Hudnut with President Ford, Undated
Congressman Hudnut with Richard Nixon in Oval Office, Undated
Mayor Hunut at Soccer Field & Peace Pole Dedication, August 4, 1987, Img. 38, with Art Strong, Charlie Kendall, and Ed Miller
The Boy with the Pistachio Nuts on Mars Hill, Athens
William H. Hudnut, III at Banquet, Img. 1
William H. Hudnut, III at Banquet, Img. 2
Log Cabin, Circa 1915
Harvard Institute of Politics Study Group, Image 1
Study Group Plaque Presented to Mayor Bill Hudnut
Mayor Hudnut at Proc Day, September 23, 1986, Img. 1, Lupus Awareness Month