Federal Legislation
278 items found
NLC Legislative Workshop on Cable Television, March 5, 1984
NLC Legislative Workshop on Antitrust, March 5, 1984
NLC Legislative Workshop on Modernizing the Public Infrastructure, March 5, 1984
NLC Legislative Workshop on Environmental Programs Workshop, March 5, 1984
NLC Legislative Workshop on Federal Tax Policy, March 5, 1984
NLC Legislative Workshop on Natural Gas, March 5, 1984
Report on Pending Legislation to Address Homelessness
Bipartisan Homeless Legislation Introduced
Urgent Relief for the Homeless -- H.R. 558
Short Summary of H.R. 4, Housing and Community Development Act of 1987
From Mickey Leland, January 14, 1987
H.R. 286, "Homeless Persons' Survival Act of 1987"
Organizations Endorsing the Homeless Persons' Survival Act of 1987
Richard G. Lugar to Mayor Hudnut, August 1, 1989
James Danforth Quayle to Mayor Hudnut, October 17, 1985
Edward M. Kennedy to Mayor Hudnut, October 21, 1985
Savings & Loan Bill Would Cost City $300,000
Letter to the People
Dan Coats to Mayor Hudnut, December 20, 1985
Orrin G. Hatch to Mayor Hudnut, November 29, 1985