Downtown Development
2,520 items found
Mayor Goldsmith to Garry L. Briese, June 8, 1993_Draft
Market Square Arena Opening, 1974, Part One
Market Square Arena Opening, 1974, Part Two
Mayor Lugar and Builders Present the Lincoln Square Development
Steve Goldsmith, The Goldsmith Legacy, The Tribute
Mayor Goldsmith to William Cary Richmond, March 3, 1993_1
Mayor Goldsmith to William Cary Richmond, March 3, 1993_2
Mayor Goldsmith to William Cary Richmond, March 1, 1993_Draft
Mayor Goldsmith to William Cary Richmond, February 26, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Lista Deck, March 15, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Lista Deck, March 15, 1993_Draft
Circle Centre Revised
Mayor Hudnut's State of the City Speech, January 16, 1987
Mayor Hudnut, Proclamation and Downtown
Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. Board Structure
Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. (IDI), Non-Profit Corporation
Not Just Another Day In The Neighborhood!
Downtown Lowdown, January/February 1993
Zahn Associates: Representative Assignments
Ann Kellison to IDMI Action Team, December 17, 1993