216 items found
Proclamation "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month"
Mayor Goldsmith to Anne Shane, February 17, 1997
Hans E. Geisler to Mayor Goldsmith, February 12, 1997
Kai Binford to Mitzi Hurst, April 3, 1997
Ovar'coming Together was started...
Proclamation "Mel and Bren Simon Day"
Proclamation "American Diabetes Association Tour for the Cure Day in Indianapolis"
Melissa Sheaks to Mayor Goldsmith, April 28, 1997
Proclamation (American Diabetes Association)
Proclamation "American Diabetes Association Tour for the Cure Day in Indianapolis"
Martin Center, Inc., Sickle Cell Recognition Day, September 17, 1998
From Mayor Goldsmith Regarding Sickle Cell Annual Dinner and Award Banquet
Susie Davie to Mayor Goldsmith, May 29, 1998
From Mayor Goldsmith, Huntington's Disease Society Conference
Proclamation "Smoothest Bike Ride in the World Day in Indianapolis"
Melissa Sheaks to Mayor Goldsmith, May 12, 1997
Proclamation Diabetes
From Mayor Goldsmith, undated. Picked up April 25, 1996 Spotlight '96
From Stephen and Margaret Goldsmith, undated
From Stephen and Margaret Goldsmith, undated