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International Citizen of the Year Award Dinner Schedule
From Stephen Goldsmith, Robinson Community A.M.E. Church
Rev. E. Anne Henning Byfield and Delores A. Douglas to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, April, 9, 1993
Mitzi Hurst to Ray Wallace, December 14, 1995
Indianapolis Section of American Society for Quality Control
Malinda J. Pernell to Mayor Goldsmith, December 16, 1992
Presidential Classroom Recognition Dinner, January 11, 1993
Presidential Classroom Winners, November 16, 1992
Presidential Classroom Scholars, January 11, 1993
Stephen Goldsmith to Barbara Lawrence, October 27, 1993
Vera Williams to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, September 29, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, Second Annual Living Legends
Mayor Goldsmith to Mike McGuire, April 5, 1993
Mike McGuire to Mayor Goldsmith, March 25, 1993
Kerri Randel Lewis to Cathy Kregor, March 9, 1993
From Stephen Goldsmith, September 16, 1992
Michael Gradison to Mayor Goldsmith, August 4, 1992
Michael Gradison to Mayor Goldsmith
Proclamation "ICLU Day"
Keeping You In Indiana Civil Liberties