2,422 items found
From Mayor Hudnut_On the 30th Annual Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame Awards Dinner
Dave Pert to Mayor Hudnut, January 22, 1991
National League of Cities Congress of Cities, November 26-30, 1972, Ticket Schedule
P.E. MacAllister to Jim Morris, Will Hays, & Dick DeMars, November 21, 1972
William F. Kuntz to Mayor Hudnut, August 14, 1981
Boys Club Association of Indianapolis' 17th Horatio Alger Dinner Honoring John W. Ryan, October 20, 1981
Excellence in Development Awards and Dinner, October 21, 1981
Central Regional Bell East Girls Litlle League Softball, Mayor's Briefing
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, October 23, 1981
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, September 2
Mayor Hudnut to Bill McNichols, September 5, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to Allen W. Graber, September 5, 1984
Ken Spiker to Mayor Hudnut, November 23, 1982
Indianapolis Shrine #6 Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem Thanksgiving Dinner and Reception
Mayor Hudnut to John W. Sweezy, December 26, 1985
Virginia Richter to Mayor and Mrs. Hudnut
Faira Pruitt to Mayor Hudnut, October 17, 1987
Annual Recognition Dinner, February 1, 1990
Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, August 12, 1981 -- Jan Kamplain to Mayor Hudnut, June 8, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Michel and Chantal Riviere, October 30, 1985