95 items found
Lugar with athlete in wheelchair, Img. 3
Lugar with athlete in wheelchair, Img. 4
Lugar with Jim Pavely and unidentified man, Img. 1
Lugar with Jim Pavely and unidentified man, Img. 2
Lugar with Jim Pavely and unidentified man, Img. 4
Lugar with Jim Pavely and unidentified man, Img. 5
Richard G. Lugar to George Ostheimer, April 26, 1968
Citizens Day, Raleigh Marcum
Gerald Ford to J. Fred Risk, June 5, 1975
Gerald Ford to Richard A. Steele, June 5, 1975
October 1982 Calendar
Indianapolis Police Department Limited Duty Status
The Enabler, Volume 1, No. 3
Tom Harkin to Daniel K. Akaka, February 12, 1991