802 items found
Bill Sprinkle Interview Request
Larry Sprinkle to Mayor Lugar
Mayor Lugar to Ann Frick, May 28, 1975
Scheduling Request, Alumni Association for the Blind
Handicap Awareness Day Information for Hasbrook
Mayor Lugar to Present Certificate to Glendal Center
Schedule for Mayor Richard G. Lugar, July 10, 1975
Patricia A. Cook and Nancy E. O'Dell, August 21, 1975
Local Branch Publicity Activities, Gary Shoemaker
Dan TeGrotenhuis to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 22, 1975
Deborah J. Daniels to Harold Smith, Sep. 22, 1975
Bob Glover and Peggy Edmonds to Earl R. Hottinger, October 9, 1974
Noble Home Open House
Mayor Lugar to Patricia A. Bayley, Oct. 10, 1975
Gary Landau to Floyd D. McGraw, July 1, 1968
DOT News Release July 23, 1971
Sidewalk Ramps
Deferred Custodial Agreement (Funded)
Dr. Andrew C. Offutt, Letter, New Hope Foundation, Inc.
James E. Daly to New Hope, December 29, 1969