424 items found
Toe Michie to Ron Champion, November 15, 1993
Governor Edwards Announces Prison Relief Press Release, October 4, 1993
Mark Hodges to John Bonner, September 28, 1993
Frank Turner to Bob Obenhaus, September 10, 1993
Jane Johanning to George Wackenhut, August 10, 1993
Mildred Burns to Ann Richards, April 22, 1993
Ann Richards to Mildred Burns, May 20, 1993
Peter Hoare to Wayne Calabrese, January 4, 1993
Dick Yeung to Lawrence C. Brinkman, November 19, 1992
David L. Jester to Calvin Harris, January 30, 1990
North Texas Intermediate Sanction Facility Scholarship Awards Invitation
Wackenhut Corrections Corporation Qualifications: Organizational Structure and Qualifications and Experience of Management Personnel
Marion County Sheriff's Department's Inmate Visiting Procedures
Marion County Jail's Inmate Clothing Policy
1995 Marion County Sheriff's Department's Employment Requirements for Correction Officer
Amy R. Mack to Potential Proposers, August 28, 1995
RCA Building 1 and 2 Site Visit Q&A
Marion County Jail Inmates and Randal Berwanger vs. Lawrence M. Broderick
Information on Buildings 1 and 2: Sherman Park
Amy R. Mack to Potential Proposers, September 11, 1995