60 items found
Gene E. Sease to Student Body, Faculty, and Staff, October 2, 1973
Lloyd W. Scholl to Mayor Lugar, January 8, 1974
Mayor Hudnut to Ralph Balkema, June 10, 1985
Sludge Incinerator Monitoring System
John E. Slater to the Mayor/City Official
Indianapolis Resource Recovery Facility
To Mayor Hudnut
Mayor Hudnut to G. Douglas Dunham, April 14, 1988
City to Ask Reconsideration of Streetlighting Case, April 17, 1982
Zane G. Todd to Mayor Hudnut, April 5, 1982
Mark E. Dall and Susan Macey-Thompson to John P. Ryan, April 15, 1982
Winter Energy-Savings Tips
Maggie Gibson to Indianapolis Power & Lights Co, January 6, 1990
You Are Free this Night and Every Other Night.
Proceedings of the 1962 Annual Meeting of Stickholders Middle South Utilities, Inc.
IPL Bill, October 11, 1972
IPL and Citizens Gas Receipts
IPL Receipt, October 11, 1972
G.D. Kivett to Hudnut to Congress Headquarters, August 10, 1972
IPL Bill, September 15, 1972