Economic Development
3,408 items found
City of Indianapolis Project Jobs_Draft
Project Jobs Progress Report, August 12, 1993
Metropolitan Development Commission of Marion County, Resolution No. 91-271, 1991_With Approved Stamp
Robert D. Swhier to John R. Hodowal, April 28, 1992
Indiana Statewide Certified Development Corporation Highlights and Accomplishments
Cambridge Capital Management Corporation, Background Summary
What 100 New Manufacturing Jobs Mean to a Community
Marion Projects from January 9, 1998
Mayor Goldsmith to John R. Brown, Sr., March 4, 1992
John R. Brown, Sr. to Mayor Goldsmith, February 24, 1992
Francis S. Connelly to Mayor Goldsmith, February 14, 1992
Entrepreneurial Strategies 1992: Opportunities and Risk Management
Tom Miller to Mayor Goldsmith, March 3, 1992
Robert D. Swhier, Jr. to Timothy Monger, March 9, 1992
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith and Bob Swhier, August 24, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Eric Zimmer, August 21, 1992
Mayor Goldsmith to Jim McMahon, August 21, 1992
Indianapolis, Indiana's Working Capital: Executive Summary
Gil H. Zitzeleberger to Henry C. Ryder, September 30, 1983
Why American College Fraternities Locate Their Offices in Indiana