Economic Development

3,408 items found

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 23, with Steven Linder and Gerald L. Bepko

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 25, with Steven Linder and Gerald L. Bepko

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 26, with Steven Linder and Gerald L. Bepko

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 4, with Steven Linder

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 5, with Steven Linder

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 8, with Steven Linder

Mayor Hudnut at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Proof Sheet, with Steven Linder and Gerald L. Bepko

Unidentified Woman at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 1

Unidentified Woman at Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Groundbreaking, May 23, 1990, Img. 2

Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department and the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) Joint Strategy for The Planned Variations Program

Economic Stablilization Program: Phase IV Announcement

Statement by Richard G. Lugar Regarding Meeting with Gerald Ford, 1974

List of Mayors Attending Meeting with President Gerald Ford, 1974

Lugar Position Paper, Developments in Indianapolis during the Lugar Administration, 1974

Mayor Lugar to Birch Bayh, September 13, 1972

Birch Bayh to Mayor Lugar, September 6, 1972

Let us Help You Expand

From John Poelker, March 12, 1975


Stephen R. West to Gary Landau, October 18, 1971