Economic Development
3,408 items found
Mayor Hudnut to The Indiana Congressional Delegation, May 28, 1980
For Immediate Release, National League Of Cities
John L. Krauss to Mayor Hudnut et al.
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, January 31, 1983
Toward Economic Success In The 1980s
Mayor Hudnut to Hsu Shui-Teh, July 1, 1986
1983 Budget Message to the City-County Council
Japan U.S. Midwest Assoc.
Japan-Midwest U.S. Association Luncheon In Honor of Indianapolis Mission
Membership List of Japan-Midwest U.S. Association
Midwest-Japan Association And Japan-Midwest Association
Midwest-Japan Association And Japan-Midwest Association 16th Joint Conference
John W. Labaj to M. D. Higbee, January 31, 1990
AFCAP Report; Republic Of Korea
Bert Pettygrove to Mayor Hudnut, January 25 ,1990, Draft
James L. Kittle, Sr. to Mayor Hudnut, October 6, 1982
Metropolitan Development Commission Resolution
From David E. Carley, May 16, 1983
Senate Enrolled Act No. 258
Limitations Imposed by SB 258 on Use of Industrial Development Bonds for Commercial, Business or Recreational Projects