Charitable Donations
563 items found
United Way, City Government Assignment Sheet, June 29, 1978
Wilma Tate to Barbara Arnold, November 2, 1978
Phil Schneiderman to Mayor Hudnut, October 30, 1978
United Way, Campaign Master Listing, October 25, 1978
Phil Schneiderman to Mayor Hudnut, October 27, 1978
Wilma Tate to Barbara Arnold, October 19, 1978
Richard A. S. Dorsey to Murrill Lowry, October 19, 1978
1976 United Way Campaign: People Helping People
Hester L. Shultz to Dan McDonald, January 30, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Bernard Gohmann, May 21, 1980
Tom Lake to All Workers, November 5, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Robert W. Briggs, June 9, 1980
Robert W. Briggs to Mayor Hudnut, June 5, 1980
1976 United Way Campaign: City Employees, November 12, 1976
Fred C. Tucker, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, April 20, 1976
Benefits of the Loaned Executive Program
1975 Annual Report, United Way of Greater Indianapolis, Inc.
New Agency Admitted, 1975: Girls Club of Indianapolis
Marion, Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, and Morgan County Services
United Way History: In The Beginning...