Citizens' Letters
1,106 items found
Nancy Showalter to Lyn Druding
Arthur Hennig, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, March 3, 1983
James H. Holds to Mayor Hudnut, January 24, 1983
My name is Cythina Skehan...
From Patricia Brennan
Tom Bennett to Mayor Hudnut, July 10, 1980
John P. Ryan to Bruce Smith, July 18, 1984
Cheryl Carter-Shotts to Lafayette Square Mall Merchants and Management, June 25, 1984
Kae Browning to Mayor's Staff, January 24, 1984
Thomas M. Bryce to Mayor Hudnut, July 14, 1979
John Goodman to Mayor Hudnut, December 3, 1982
Telethon '79 Appeal by Mayor Hudnut
Gloria Yvonne Eley to Mayor Hudnut, June 18, 1990
Gloria Yvonne Eley to Mayor Hudnut, June 25, 1990
To Mayor Hudnut, April 3, 1987
Ted Ernhart to Mayor Hudnut, April 16, 1987
S.A. Everly to Mayor Hudnut, April 20, 1984
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut and Joe Slash
Dorothy Hueber to Mayor Hudnut, June 20,1979
To Mayor Hudnut, July 2, 1980