Community Action Against Poverty of Greater Indianapolis, Inc.
109 items found
Absenteeism on the CAAP Board
CAAP Funding Application for Program Account 01
CAAP Funding Application for Program Account 07
Indianapolis Needs CAAP, and Vice Versa
Mrs. Gordon McCalment to Lynn Kirk, January 17, 1968
Nancy H. Shaw to Mayor Lugar, February 26, 1975
Neighborhood Corporations, August 1, 1975
Reservation for Farewell Party, June 25, 1970
Robert DeFrantz to Michael Carroll, March 4, 1974
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Dr. John Liell and David Snyder, September 9, 1969
William E. Wynn to Robert DeFrantz, May 23, 1973
Zerah Sweeney to Mayor Lugar, December 16, 1967
CAAP Comments, Suggestions, and Recommendations Regarding Organization and Programs
Recommendations for Improving the CAAP Program
James E. Kohls to CAAP Board of Directors, March 5, 1975
John J. Slain to Mayor Lugar, February 23, 1968
John T. Liell to CAAP Board, June 13, 1970
John W. Walls to Helen McCalment, February 9, 1968
John Wood to Mayor Lugar, December 15, 1967
Kenneth I. Chapman to Mayor Lugar, August 19, 1969