112 items found
William B. Weisell to the Board of Directors, October 16, 1985
William B. Weisell to Board of Directors, September 10, 1985
Code of By-Laws of The Indiana State Symphony Society, Inc., September 10, 1985
Executive Summary of the New By-Laws of the Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation
Articles of Association for the National Conference of Republican Mayors, June 1980
From E. Clay Shaw, Jr., February 24, 1978
Articles of Association for the National Conference of Republican Mayors, March 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Margaret T. Hance, March 8, 1982
Article 5 Officers, IACT
Constitution of Indiana Association of Cities & Towns, June, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Bruce B. Melchert, April 15, 1980
By laws of The Indiana Republican Mayors Association
Betty J. Rendel to Mayor Hudnut, May 8, 1980
Appendix B: Rule 88 and 89
Conflict Resolution Training in the Public Safety Service Tentative Agenda, with Handwritten IRMA By-Laws
Registration Form--Conflict Resolution Training in the Public Safety Service, with Handwritten IRMA By-Laws
Bylaws of the Castleton East Civic Organization, Inc.
Robert L. Benjamin to Carolyn Sage, August 8, 1983
Fountain Square Neighborhood Association, Constitution and By-Laws
Bylaws Of The Indiana Republican Mayors Association, Notes