Biographical Sketch
1,073 items found
Dr. Melvin B. Girton, Pastor, Christ Missionary Baptist Church
Biographical Sketch, Dr. T. J. Jemison
Patrick L. Stevens
Some Facts about Norman Vincent Peale
Reverend M.L. Williams Biography
Indiana University Honorary Degree Candidates
Who's Who In American Politics Form, March 1987
Who's Who In The Midwest Form, December 1985
Who's Who in America Form, January 23, 1986
Who's Who In The Midwest Form, February 11, 1985
Who's Who In The Midwest Form, February 7, 1985
Who's Who In The Midwest Form, 19th Edition
Bard Treiman to Marquis Biographee
Mayor Hudnut to Gentlemen, February 15, 1983
Stephen Allen to Mayor Hudnut, February 18, 1983
Who's Who In American Politics Form, February 1983
Jane Ryan to Marcie Thompson, September 5, 1978
William Herbert Hudnut III Biography
William H. Hudnut Biography
Susan to Marcie Thompson, February 20, 1980