209 items found
Indianapolis Recognizes Li Jian Jing as Honorary Citizen, July 13, 1994
Ji-Qing Liu to Michael Yoder, July 5, 1994_1
Members of Hebei Governemnt Legislation
Ji-Qing Liu to Michael L. Yoder, July 5, 1994_2
Performance of the Youth Goodwill Mission, Republic of China on Taiwan
Harley Griffith to Ann Hicks, August 13, 1992
Ray Dault to Ann Hicks, August 28, 1992
Wu Hong to Raymond Dault, August 12, 19992
From Marjorie Stepp, No Date
Chinese Brochure
Ray Dault to Ann Hicks, July 18, 1992
Harley Griffith to Ginger Hall, July 22, 1992
Chinese Businessmen Seminar List
Harley Griffith to Ann Hicks, July 28, 1992
Beijing Hoteliers Group List
Carl Braunlich to Earl Nightingale, Jan Bledsoe, and Ray Dault, July 1, 1992
Carl Braunlich to Mr. Dault, July 1, 1992
City of Indianapolis Fang Weifen Honorary Citizen Certificate
G. Benjamin Lantz, Jr. to Mayor Goldsmith, April 7, 1992
Welcome and Visit by Chinese Ambassador