1,153 items found
Mike Quinn to IACT Executive Committee, July 24, 1979
Invitation List
Invitation List
Indianapolis Fire Stations Now "Safe Place" for Kids
NLC 1988 Platform Issues, Children/Youth
Back to School Safety Tips
DPR Announces Details Youth Holiday Greeting Card Design Contest
Judith Jenkins to Mark F. Goff, April 19, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to William Corley, February 25, 1988
Kae Browning and Susie Davie to Mayor's Staff, February 22, 1983
Nancy J. Campbell to Mayor Hudnut, April 19, 1991
"Paul B. Browne Day"
Cynthia McCrae to Mayor Hudnut, February 13, 1988
Histiocytosis Awareness Month
The Plight of the Orphan Disease
"Children's Prayer"
"State of the World's Children Day"
Mayor Hudnut to Amy Frick, April 4, 1984
Picture Caption - Baby and Pumpkin Pie
1981 Community Games