1,153 items found
Unidentified child_SOX's_Img. 5
Unidentified child_SOX's_Img. 7
Unidentified child_SOX's_Img. 9
Unidentified woman_SOX's_Img. 7
Unidentified woman_SOX's_Img. 8
Unidentified woman_SOX's_Img. 9
Unidentified child_SOX's_Img. 12
Singer Learning Center groundbreaking, Img. 2
Singer Learning Center groundbreaking, Img. 3
Singer Learning Center groundbreaking, Img. 4
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 17
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 18
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 19
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 25
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 27
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Contact Sheet
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 2
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 5
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 6
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 7