1,153 items found
Bruce Melchert Methodist Health Group
Proclamation "Hippy Awareness Week"
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, Indiana Rites of Passage Kollective Conference_Sheet2
Proclamation, Children and Hospitals Week, Mar. 19-25, 1995
Cynthia Parkes & James Jones to Mayor Goldsmith, February 1, 1995
Center Township Trustee's Fun Fest Flyer
Draft of Mayor Goldsmith to Jessica Clagg, May 29, 1996
Mitzi Hurst to Sandi Young, May 21, 1996
Greetings to the National Association for Gifted Children Annual Conference
KidzTime TV Facts on Television Violence
Our Channel Encourages Acts of Kindness in Children, Maybe Adults Should Watch Too
It's a Winner! Elephant Show
Eric's World
Proclamation "Stand for Children Day in Indianapolis", Draft
Erin Schubert to Mayor's Office
Thank You Mitzi Hurst
Thank You for the Water Bottle & Pin from Emily
Information About the Council for Exceptional Children
Lynda Fasick Neal and Karen L. Campbell to Friend, March 24, 1997
Proclamation "Fun Fest For Kids Day"