Campaign Promotional Materials
168 items found
Arthur L. Foell to Friend
Lugar Campaign Train
Notes, Cough - During the Past 4 Years
Notes, Dick Lugar - He's Your Candidate
Notes, Dump TV Spot
Notes, Safer Streets - Cleaner Air
Notes, Traffic TV Spot
Open Dumping TV Spot
Radio Continuity, Revised_With Notes
Traffic TV Spot
Crime Increase Radio and TV Spot
Custom, Reprographic Services for Architect, et al.
Notes on Envelope, Dick Lugar Demands Integrity
Dubois County Republican Party Candidates for Consideration, November 3, 1970
Air Pollution Radio and TV Spot
Lee for We
Forward Indianapolis, October 30, 1967
Lugar Fan
Carroll Congress Sticker
Mayor Hudnut to Ann Folsom, June 23, 1987