Campaign Plan
65 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Focus Group, February 11, 1987
Lynn Druding to Mary Ann Pahud, April 4, 1983
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut/Mary Ann Pahud, May 9
Correspondence to Voters General Election
Jonathan Moore to Mayor Hudnut, June 1, 1984
George Rupp & Jonathan Moore to Mayor Hudnut, May 4, 1984
Mayor Speaks At Harvard Conference
Mayor Hudnut to Lesa Dietrick, September 6, 1983
2nd Annual Republican Old-Timers Conference and Reunion_Note on Speakers
News Release, Continued, August 26, 1974
Hudnut Names Campaign Committee
Mark D. Miles to Executive Committee Citizens for Mayor Bill Hudnut, October 26, 1979
Election '88 Program: Campaign Plan
Citizen's for Mayor Bill Hudnut Committee General Election 1979 Game Plan, Copy No. 12_Game Plan Pages
Contents - Strategy Statement, The Plan, The Budget
Mayor Hudnut to Jewell DeBonis & Bruce Melchert, May 2, 1990
Citizens for Bill Hudnut 1983 Re-Election Campaign Plan
Lesa F. Dietrick to Mayor Hudnut
Mayor Hudnut for Secretary of State: Factors to Consider
Politics: 1990 Notes