221 items found
Annual 4-H Leaders Dinner Dance Invitation
J. L. Guthrie to Mayor Lugar, October 8, 1968
James T. Morris to Jim L. Guthrie, November 12, 1969
For Immediate Release, October 1975
Norman C. Mindrum to Members, December 1, 1975
Resolutions Approved by the Board of Directors, October 23, 1975
Health Award Winners Recognition Dinner
Eleanor Miller to Richard G. Lugar, March 31, 1976
Keep America Beautiful Citizens Forum, Inc.
Indiana State Fair Aug. 17-28 1983 Official Program
From Kathy G. Reehling & E. F. Pendergast, July 25, 1983
Marlene Wilson to Lesa Dietrick, May 26, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Corporate Leader
Salute to Indiana Youth Night
Mayor Hudnut to Ralph Taylor, October 25, 1977
Kathy G. Reehling & E. F. Pendergast to Mayor Hudnut, July 20, 1984
1985 Livestock Auction
Ike Levy to Katherine Snedeker, August 4, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Luther Searfoss, August 8, 1983
David B. Schenck to Mayor Hudnut, July 9, 1990