Wessler, Horst K.
35 items found
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 10
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 11
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 14
German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 2
German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 3
Proclamation of German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 1, with Mayor Hudnut, John Krauss, and Horst K. Wessler
Proclamation of German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 2, with Mayor Hudnut, John Krauss, and Horst K. Wessler
Proclamation of German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 3, with Mayor Hudnut, John Krauss, and Horst K. Wessler
Proclamation of German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 7, with Mayor Hudnut, John Krauss, and Horst K. Wessler
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 57
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 58
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 8
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 16
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 2
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 24
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 1
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 12
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 13
Cologne Sister City Celebration, May 25, 1990, Img. 15
Proclamation of German-American Day, September 14, 1989, Img. 4, with Mayor Hudnut, John Krauss, and Horst K. Wessler