2,242 items found
Draft for William S. Lowe Remarks at April 28, 1969 Meeting
Speech by Richard B. DeMars, August 1, 1972
Market Square Arena Opening Benediction Prayer by Rev. Landrum E. Shields
Public Information-The Unknown Profession Speech by Christensen, August 2, 1972
Sample Revenue Sharing Speech
City-County Consolidation in Indianapolis by Lugar
Keynote Address by Garnett Inman
Public Higher Education for Greater Indianapolis
Inaugural Address of Lugar Mayor of Indianapolis
Remarks of President John W. Ryan, October 13, 1972
Remarks of the Honorable Spiro T. Agnew
A Tribute to Senator Robert F. Kennedy, June 9, 1968
Praise of Progress Committee
Thanksgiving Day Message 1971
Thanksgiving Message, 1968
Thanksgiving Message, 1968_pencil
Inaugural Address of Lugar, January 8, 1968
Statement by Lugar Before the Hoosier State Press Association
Thanksgiving Message, 1968, Lugar
The Second Inaugural Address of Lugar, January 9, 1972