
2,242 items found

Art Strong's Comments/Uni-Gov Production

Testimony of IEEE, AIAA, ASCE, ASME, and NSPE

Testimony of the National Retired Teachers Association and the American Association of Retired Persons

Statement by Congressman Elwood H. Hillis Before the Republican National Committee Platform Committee

Statement of Congressman Dan Quayle (R. Indiana) Republican Platform Committee - Indianapolis, Indiana

Statement of Peter F. McCloskey, President Electronic Industries Association before the Republican National Committee's Platform Hearings

Testimony before the Temporary Committee on Resolutions (Platform) for the 1980 Republican National Convention, Indianapolis Indiana

A Proposed Platform Plank: "Transportation Services by Truck"

Testimony of: Donald W. Moreau Executive Director Indiana Department of Commerce

Platform Testimony of Bob Orr

Statement of the National Retired Teachers Association and the American Association of Retired Persons

Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the 94th Congress, Second Session - 1976 National Republican Convention Platform

Statement of the American Medical Association

Stanley Strader, Republican City-County Councillor, Position Statement

Two Paragraphs of Stanley Strader

Indiana Professional Educators, Inc. - Testimony Presented to the National Republican Platform Committee Hearings Held in Convention Center

Testimony by Mary Ann Surface of the National Education Association and the Indiana State Teachers Association Before the Republican National Platform Hearings

Statement by Don Paarlberg West Lafayette, Indiana at the Public Hearing on The Republican Platform Convention Center

Remarks at Pre-Election Rally November 1, 1978

Comments Re Star Editorials of December 28, 1975 on "The Tertiary Treatment Question" (Revised)