Spaid, Donald
60 items found
Donald L. Spaid to Jim F. Young, Dec. 2, 1971
Michael A. Carroll to Mark E. Young and Samuel Bell, July 24, 1972
Minigov Communities Plan Alternate No. 1 - Revised, March 21, 1973
Mayor Lugar to George H. Brown, August 5, 1971 (copy 1)
George H. Brown to Mayor Lugar, July 15, 1971
Joseph C. Jankowski to Mayors of Indiana Cities, November 9, 1970
Craig B. Schwerdt to Mayor Lugar, April 28, 1970
John W. Galston to Donald Spaid, June 18, 1970
Alan R. Kimbell to David O. Meeker, Jr., December 8, 1970
Steven Charnovitz to Sir, July 12, 1971
Agreement for Execution of a Portion of the Unified Planning Program for The Indianpolis-Marion County Area
David O. Meeker, Jr. to Dr. E.H. Lemkin, October 8, 1971
Rodney L. Kendig to Mayor Lugar, April 17, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Donald Spaid, September 18, 1970
Richard B. Wetzel to Michael Carroll, November 6, 1973
I. Chas Johanson to Donald Spaid, May 10, 1973
Northwest Civic Association, Inc. Neighborhood Services Plan
John E. Rowe to Caby Smith, November 1, 1972
John E. Rowe to John Walls, February 20, 1973
Michael A. Carroll to Unigov Directors and Others, November 4, 1974