Blackwell, Debbie
91 items found
DOT Snow Shakedown, November 17, 1986, Img. 18, with Debbie Blackwell and Beverly Guidara
DOT Snow Shakedown, November 17, 1986, Img. 19, with Debbie Blackwell and Beverly Guidara
DOT Snow Shakedown, November 17, 1986, Img. 25, with Debbie Blackwell
DOT Snow Shakedown, November 17, 1986, Img. 27, with Debbie Blackwell
DOT Snow Shakedown, November 17, 1986, Img. 28, with Debbie Blackwell
Office Fun_Unidentified Hudnut Staff in City-County Building, Img. 5, with Debbie Blackwell
Mayor Hudnut at Toys For Tots, December 1, 1987, Img. 24, with Debbie Blackwell
Feibleman Award News Conference Notes, July 29, 1987
Mayor Awards 22 Homesteading Properties, September 2, 1987
Mayor Announces School Pilot Project, September 3, 1987
Indianapolis Selected to Participate in Pilot Jobs Project, February 20, 1987
Kim Day to Debbie, June 28, 1988
Mayor Participates in Canfield Row Groundbreaking, October 26, 1987
Sheila Bedell to Debbie Blackwell, December 23, 1986
DOT Snow Shakedown News Conference, November 17, 1986, Notes
Indianapolis Soccer and Sports Center Dedication and Peace Pole Dedication, August 4, 1987, Notes
Mayor Hudnut at Union Station News Conference, November 15, 1985, Work Order
Testimony by Mayor William H. Hudnut, III Before the Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic.
Indianapolis Selected for Federal Course on Emergency Management
Light Up the Town with the City's Newest Attraction