Ray, William T.
24 items found
IUPUI Board of Advisors
Guy Russell to Mayor Lugar, April 1975
Members of the Indianaplois Housing and Relocation Task Force, April 5, 1968
Metropolitan Government Task Force Members List
From James Hetherington, June 5, 1968
Board of Park Commissioners Minutes of Meeting November 4, 1969
The Indianapolis Foundation Trustees
John L. Krauss to William T. Ray, November 8, 1974
Gene E. Sease to Richard G. Lugar and Others, December 18, 1974
Stadium Task Force Executive Committee Meeting, January 29, 1970
Commission for Downtown Housing Committee Revised
Mayor Hudnut to William T. Ray, May 5, 1977
William T. Ray to Bulen, October 13, 1975
Minutes of the Regular Meeting, Board of Parks and Recreation, June 8, 1971
Minutes of the Regular Meeting, Board of Parks and Recreation, September 8, 1970
Jack Killen to Richard G. Lugar, December 4, 1973
Gene E. Sease to Richard G. Lugar and Others, January 17, 1974
Stadium Task Force Committees
Why a Stadium?
Stadium Task Force of Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Press Release, January 13, 1970