Merriam, Robert E.
133 items found
ACIR Hearings, Witness List
William R. MacDougall to Members of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, April 13, 1973
United States Civil Service Commission, Federal Employee Earning
Beverly Briley to Robert Merriam, May 2, 1975
For a More Perfect Union - County Reform, April 1971
William R. MacDougall to Members of ACIR, February 28, 1973
Robert E. Merriam to Mayor Lugar, July 17, 1973
John J. Gunther to the President (Nixon), April 12, 1971
Message from Robert E. Merriam
Patrick Healy to the President, April 12, 1971
Public Opinion & Taxes, ACIR, May 1972
Robert E. Merriam to Mayor Lugar, November 5, 1971
William R. MacDougall to Mayor Lugar, October 12, 1971
ACIR Bulletin, June 8, 1972, No. 72-4
The New Grass Roots Government?
Modern County Government Essential to Federal System, Says ACIR Head
Roy W. Crawley to Academy Members
National Advisory Committee
Profile of County Government
Robert E. Merriam to Capital Improvement Board, March 16, 1973