Hohlt, Richard F.
347 items found
Richard A. Steele to Mayor Lugar, February 26, 1975, Regarding Citizens Gas Indianapolis
Mayor Lugar to Keith Wetmore, November 19, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Directors and Staff, July 21, 1975
Schedule for Mayor Richard G Lugar, U.S. Conference of Mayors
Mayor Lugar to Betty Morr, May 5, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Esther E. Doss, May 5, 1975
Mayor Lugar to John L. Morr, May 5, 1975
Gordon K. Durnil to Hart N. Hasten, March 27, 1975
Herbert A. Huene to Mayor Lugar, January 22, 1975
Dan TeGrotenhuis to Mayor Lugar
David W. Foley to Mayor Lugar, April 2, 1975
Ralph L. Tabor to NACO Members and Directors, June 17, 1975
Patric H. Hendershott to Mayor Lugar, March 27, 1975
Patrick Flanigan to Mayor Lugar, May 12, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Herb Hill, January 7, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Herb Hill, March 31, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Richard F. Hohlt, April 7, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Robert J. Hiler Jr., July 29, 1975
Charles L. Humphries to Gerald Ford, June 17, 1975
Michael A. Carroll to Rick Hohlt, February 28, 1975