Green, Al
60 items found
Lugar Tours Woodruff Place, Img. 48
Lugar Tours Woodruff Place, Img. 55
Lugar Tours Woodruff Place, Img. 59
Indianapolis Business Development Foundation Dinner, Img. 16
S. Earl Campbell, Jr. to Highland-Brookside, GIHDC File, January 20, 1972
Sharon Kramer to Al Green, April 14, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Joe West, June 16, 1975
David O. Meeker, Jr., to Paul Roberts, March 16, 1972
Arthur P. Owens to City-County Council members and Others, March 4, 1974
B. J. Gohmann to Helen Small, August 16, 1973
Sue Fall to Mayor Lugar, March 28, 1972
Thomas E. Parker Report on a Racial Discrimination Suit, April 30, 1974
Clarence Hodges to Fred Armstrong, Apr. 15, 1974
Robert Green to Michael Carroll, January 19, 1973
Mayor Hudnut with Al Green and Unidentified Man, October 1977
Swearing In Ceremony, Img. 2
Swearing In Ceremony, Img. 4
Swearing In Ceremony, Img. 5
Al Green and unidentified man, Img. 1
Al Green and unidentified man, Img. 2