Carroll, Michael A.
1,999 items found
Michael Carroll to Mayor Lugar, Sept. 13, 1972
Michael Carroll to Members of the Community Development Task Force, July 3, 1974
Mike Quinn to Mayor Lugar, April 6, 1972
William M. Ramey to Michael A. Carroll, September 6, 1974
Peter B. Harkins to Richard G. Lugar, March 23, 1973
Lloyd W. Scholl to Mayor Lugar, January 8, 1974
Clarence Hodges to Fred Armstrong, March 14, 1974
Clarence Hodges to Michael DeFabis and Michael Carroll, March 1, 1974
Thomas C. Hasbrook to Michael Carroll and Harold Egenes, September 28, 1973
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee Waterways Task Force Minutes, September 6, 1973
Peter B. Harkins to Mayor Lugar and others, May 22, 1973
Peter B. Harkins to Mayor Lugar, April 27, 1973
To Deputy Mayor Michael Carroll
Malcolm Carnahan to Kenneth J. Alles, May 8, 1970
Mayor Lugar to Carl G. Rice, April 22, 1971
James E. Armstrong to Mayor Lugar, January 17, 1974
William Douglas to David Meeker, Sept 5, 1972
David O. Meeker Jr. to Mayor Lugar, May 14, 1971
Michael A. Carroll to Mayor Lugar, January 16, 1974
Michael A. Carroll to Thomas C. Hasbrook, October 3, 1973