3,030 items found
Christmas Party
Cold Spring School Christmas Program
Eskenazi, Mitchell, Yosha & Hurst Christmas Party
For Buffet
Luncheon and Christmas Celebration
A.H.M. Graves Relators Holiday Open House
Facilities Inspection
Alice and Kirk McKinney Holiday Party
James Earl Carter Inauguration Celebration
Indiana vs. Purdue Bus Trip, November 23, 1991
Wedding Invitation for Lori Renee Welker and Thane Alden Koch
Reception Honoring James Parrish Smith
Swearing-In Ceremony, Inaugural Luncheon, and Inaugural Ball, January 1, 1992
Indiana Repertory Theatre Reception, November 22, 1991
First Annual TRACI Award Presentation
Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Reception
Luncheon Honoring Tommye Strattan
Celebration for the Papal Election of John Paul II
Arbor Day Celebration at the Indianapolis Zoo, April 20, 1979
Invitation to the 6th Annual Math Fair